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Can You Whiten Your Dental Implants?

One of the most effective and best ways to replace missing teeth are dental implants. Nowadays, everyone knows how hard it is to live with missing teeth, as they have many unpleasant consequences. For instance, you can’t chew and bite as quickly as before, and your confidence will be significantly reduced. Furthermore, not replacing your missing teeth can lead to more serious problems, including periodontal diseases, jawbone loss, etc. So, it explains how dental implants can improve the overall look and functionality of your smile. Here at Parkview Dental & Implant Centre, our professional implant dentists are ready to help patients with missing teeth to regain their shiny smiles. One of the most common questions patients ask is about whitening dental implants. Unfortunately, your dental implants can’t be whitened like natural teeth due to their material. As all implant dentists say, you must be careful to prevent your dental implants from getting stained and discolored. Continue to read and learn more about dental implants and how to keep them white.

dental implants whitening

Can Dental Implants Get Discolored?

The good news is that restorative treatments, including dental implants, porcelain veneers and cosmetic crowns, are highly stain-resistant. You don’t need to worry if you notice superficial stains on your dental implants, as they will be removed with regular brushing, flossing and dental visits. Your oral hygiene is so effective in preventing your implant from staining so try to brush and floss your teeth carefully at least two times a day.

Why Don’t Dental Implants Get Whitened?

Your natural teeth are porous, which is why they will be affected by a teeth whitening treatment. Unlike your natural teeth, your dental implants are made of ceramic or porcelain, both nonporous materials. It explains why teeth whitening treatment isn’t effective on dental implants or other artificial teeth such as dentures and may even cause damage. The best way to match the color of your dental implants with your natural teeth is to have a professional teeth whitening treatment before getting dental implants. It can ensure that all of your teeth have the same color shade and that your smile will be shiny.

How to Keep Your Dental Implants White?

Although you can’t whiten your dental implants, there are still many methods to maintain a bright white smile. Here are some tips to consider to keep your dental implants white.

  • Try to limit dark liquids like coffee, wine or tea. These drinks can stain your dental implants over time. It’s better to wash your mouth after drinking these beverages. You can also ask your cosmetic dentist about the foods and drinks that minimize the possibility of dental implant stains.
  • Maintain a consistent dental hygiene routine. It’s highly recommended to visit your dentist regularly to have basic dental examinations and ensure everything is okay. It can help you protect your shiny smile and prevent possible dental emergencies in the future.

Discuss with your experienced implant dentist the options you have when it comes to dental implants and how you can take care of them!